FEB. 11, 2020 -- The lyric video for "Presidential Briefing" is finished and posted on the Video page. A decade since I wrote and recorded it, but like many folks songs it remains relevant.

FEB. 6, 2020 -- Just finished the lyric video for "Eyes Open Wide" and posted it over on the Videos page. Social commentary that remains relevant ten years later.

FEB. 4, 2020 -- I'm in the process of making and uploading videos for the songs on my "All Creation" CD. I just finished "Like Krypton" and posted it over on the Videos page. More to come.

New Website - 

The host company of my previous website no longer provides that service and the new host has a different set of templates, so I have revised everything visually, but for now the content is the same. As I learn more about using the features on this site, I will adjust it accordingly for optimum use. I like the new host features and look forward to developing a cool site. But for now, WELCOME, and I'll be posting a couple new videos as soon as I figure out how.

New CD Sidelined 

The CD that I had envisioned releasing this month has been sidelined for a while, as I work on material for a different CD. "Tales of Caution," originally planned to be out this month, is a mix of folk song concepts -- social, environmental, and political. I have since decided to focus -- for the near future only -- solely on environmental and nature appreciation material for the next CD, so some of those songs are still being written, etc. Hopefully it will be ready by the end of the summer, as it…

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Posting YouTube Videos 

I'm in the process of video recording a variety of songs, new and old and alternate takes, at outdoor locations, primarily nature preserves or other public assess lands in the Hudson Valley and Catskill Mountains region, and then uploading them on YouTube for posting. The links will be over on the Videos page as YouTube completes the posting for each. Hope you like them. Please feel free to leave comments over on the Guestbook page. Thanks.

New CD in June 

After nine or ten years or whatever it was, I am finally putting out a second CD. The problem was not writer's block. I simply did not feel it would be purposeful. Life and the times, however, now prompt me to put forth a new selection of material, again primarily based on environmental, religious, and social commentary content. The new CD should be available in June, and is called "Tales of Caution." Here's the cover.

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